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Showing posts from January, 2010

I got nothing...oh, wait, I do.

I don't know but right now ... *nothing* comes to mind to blog about. I just spent the day doing errands and chores, then I napped, got up to make dinner...dishes are done and I'm waiting for the Grammy's to start. But I sit here thinking about what to write about and I'm stumped. I feel like this is hard and I can't think...ok, I do have a physical issue I'm dealing with that is absorbing every thinking moment for me right now (girl problems) but still THINK! woman THINK!...Um, I'm reading Kristin Chenoweth's biography 'A Little Bit Wicked' and she's a funny, spunky ol' gal from Oklahoma. She was adopted and has her master's in musical theater. She's so talented. I wish I could sing. Simon would totally make fun of me but I still belt it out when, say, driving solo to and from MI to see my friend Stacey, Ms. Jackson if you're nasty.... So totally wished Stacey and I lived closer. Going to see her like once, ok, MAYBE twi...

No wait...THIS is sad :(

I am sitting here after a 3 HOUR! nap reading the blogs I follow and ALL 3 of my closest peeps' blogs were about their kid. 2 of which were about 17-18 month old kids who were in the stages of jibberish blabbering...and I got to thinking...I TOTALLY MISS THAT STAGE! I wasn't blogging at that time in Will's life so I can't really remember the sound of his jibberish without bustin' out the video tapes. These 2 blogs were letters directly to their children...maybe I don't do that b/c Will and I CAN actually have a conversation and by the time I sit down to blog I am exhausted from numerous talks with him. But I'm gonna give it a whirl! Dear Will, Right now MawMaw just got up from a 3 hour nap and you were so quiet and just played on the computer the entire time. I only heard you make a few sounds which included things blowing up and guns shooting but it was all virtual and no one really got hurt. I clapped loudly when I woke up so you would come in and check ou...

Being Cheap is not Hereditary

I AM cheap. I see shows and websites claiming they have the answers to only spending $20 on a budget is $5 a dinner! These claims never impress me b/c I do better on my own. No, I don't do FRESH fruits & veggies (you have NO IDEA how hard it is to get a 14 y.o., a 38 y.o. and a 4 y.o. to ALL agree on side dishes until you try) but I do make well-rounded meals, I think, and nutritional too. HOWEVER, I'm sure if I posted my menus on-line, I'd get a lot of criticism. But back to my point of being cheap...I shop at Aldi. I use coupons. I price check at Walmart. I watch for deals like 2 meals for $12.99 IF we plan to go out. We also try to go to places that have FREE chips & salsa or bread and fill up on those first & then split things. Also, recently, we started the rule of getting water, not pop. Drinks can cost our family another $10-$12!! I am not too proud to buy stuff at Goodwill (and I have to admit: I've even bought GIFTS there. I am a great ...

Professional Wii Bowler...Not it

I had my first shoulder surgery in December 2007. I was doing home parties for Scentsy and carrying all my crap into this chick's house and totally tore it. The next day the infant I was babysitting was dropped off and 45 minutes later I was calling her mom at work saying something was terribly wrong...I couldn't even hold the kid...let alone take care of her. So I went to an orthopaedic doctor, who put me in a sling to try to let my shoulder repair itself. Yeah. That didn't happen so I had surgery about 2 weeks later. I had TONS of physical therapy and IT SUCKED! I remember being SO nauseated from the percocet and not being able drive my drug addicted behind around so, I was stuck finding rides to pt. To make matters worse, Will was still in diapers at the time and, I have to say, I became quite the accomplished one-handed diaper-changer! Thank God it was winter and my dad wasn't working b/c he helped us out A everyday. Finally I started to improve but it wa...

Do I need glee? Does a bear crap in the Woods!?

So I just got done reading my friend's blog and she has inspired me to BLOG DANG IT! It's been too long since I last posted something and SO much has happened since then but I forget it now. I need to pick the ball back up and move on, so here goes... Besides someone at my church totally pissing me off this week (I was told I couldn't serve on the usher team while wearing my preventative face mask b/c it's not friendly to the newbies), I did find a name for our "unofficial" home group which is eXtol . Psalm 117:1 Praise Him, all you nations; eXtol Him all you peoples. FINALLY! I know...I rule. Also, yesterday the church was handing out Starbuck's gift cards for people who signed up to commit to the new Saturday night service...OK I COMMIT GEESCH! :) Across the way, while signing up for the 2nd of 2 classes, this lady friend of mine, who is ON STAFF at the church, says, "I can't sign up for that class. It's on Tuesday nights and I have to watch...