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Professional Wii Bowler...Not it

I had my first shoulder surgery in December 2007. I was doing home parties for Scentsy and carrying all my crap into this chick's house and totally tore it. The next day the infant I was babysitting was dropped off and 45 minutes later I was calling her mom at work saying something was terribly wrong...I couldn't even hold the kid...let alone take care of her. So I went to an orthopaedic doctor, who put me in a sling to try to let my shoulder repair itself. Yeah. That didn't happen so I had surgery about 2 weeks later. I had TONS of physical therapy and IT SUCKED! I remember being SO nauseated from the percocet and not being able drive my drug addicted behind around so, I was stuck finding rides to pt. To make matters worse, Will was still in diapers at the time and, I have to say, I became quite the accomplished one-handed diaper-changer! Thank God it was winter and my dad wasn't working b/c he helped us out A everyday. Finally I started to improve but it was a LONG process. And happened again...
In August 2008, just 8 months later, I was rough-housing with Will. I picked him up and threw him on my bed and rrriiiippppp! I actually felt my shoulder tear again. It was horrible. I sunk down to the floor in tears and bawled my eyes out b/c I knew what was in store for me for about the next 8-9 months...pure hell, I thought. Little did I know, this time around would end up being SO MUCH WORSE ---but---it ended up saving my life.
I got fibromyalgia from this second, repeat surgery. Apparently this can happen...or from a very traumatic event. Right in the recovery room, I knew something was wrong. I thought maybe the surgeon messed up. I had pain like I'd never had before along with a little tingling and a dash of burning with a side of aching. These symptoms would end up leading me to a rheumatologist. This was about February 2009 and she was seeing me just for the fibro pain that I couldn't take anymore but she said she needed to give me a full physical. She found a lump in my neck and ordered an ultrasound which confirmed I had cancer. Surgery was scheduled, my life was saved but changed forever and the rest is history.
So my point in all this is: today I went to my friend's for some fun and good times. The plan was to play some Wii sports and laugh and now I can't lift my arm and I'm not laughing.
I remember I cryed over not being able to bowl when I first tore my shoulder. I LOVE bowling more than I'd like to admit. We have went bowling ONCE since then...I threw lefthanded which SUCKED and used bumpers. It was lame. So when Wii hit the stands, I was in love. I thought maybe my dreams of becoming a professional bowler was finally gonna happen like I'd pictured in my dreams, but only like virtually. Well, apparently me being a total Wii bowling rockstar just isn't in God's plan for my life.


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