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Wah Wah Wah Wah Wah Wah, Blah Blah Blah, Yada Yada

I wanted to blog about my son's dumb preschool teacher & my teenagers psycho teachers but I am too distracted from the day I had yesterday:

+++I was late taking the kids to school b/c I had to pump gas super slow into my 1988Grand Marquis.

+++My Granny is in the hospital and I am in charge of emailing everyone this side of the Mississippi and got criticized for it...Bite me.

+++Sometimes the people you think are your friends just aren't...someone I trusted threw me under the bus...Where does friendship end and business begin?

+++I was late picking my son up from school...And when I apologized to the teacher, she mentioned charging me $5 for being late...then they tell me how the kids couldn't go outside to play b/c some drunk guy was passed out in the flowers.

+++My stepdaughter threw my house key in my seat which fell down into it and out of site; so, for awhile Will & I were locked out.

+++My son is still on "new-toy-overload" from his birthday party this past weekend and literally goes from one thing to the next like some crazy person...then says he's bored.

+++I only got to see my husband lastnight for about 10 minutes before I was off to the church ~again~ to go to class (I love the class so it was fine really) but if I don't get "alone time" with him soon, he might divorce me.

+++I am like "co-leading" the photo team at church (or whatever my unofficial title is)& needed to get pictures of the class and a certain old lady was all crabby and rude about her being in pictures...just stand there and smile grey-head.

+++Then my husband calls to tell me my kitchen is a disaster area b/c the freezer was leaking everyday and he finally tore it apart so, all our food is in coolers and spread all over the counter tops.

+++Someone basically told me ~again~ that the problem was me and not her...which isn't true but she's not living in reality.

+++Everyone was in bed when I got home from class so I caught up on my blog reading and this one was so sad that I bawled my eyes out until 1:30 am thinking about how ungrateful I've been.

+++I crawled into my sons bed with him and held him and cried, asking for forgiveness for not being the best mom I can be (he wasn't awake b/c it probably would have scared him)

+++I got 5 hours of sleep lastnight and my eyes are totally swollen.

Somedays, life. is. crap.


  1. I think there should have been way more FOCUS on a drunk guy in the bed of flowers at the church pre school!!!! LOL


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