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1. is MY step-daughter.
2. misses her Mommy.
3. is clumsy.
4. loves plain Hershey's chocolate.
5. always smells good.
6. likes post earrings the best.
7. has like 3 dressers & a built-in closet that are full.
8. is addicted to the Sims.
9. is a meat & potatoes girl.
10. can't stay in the lines when painting her nails.
11. doesn't really like condiments.
12. is too cute.
13. is gonna have to beat boys off with a stick.
14. is non-confrontational.
15. is Hilarious!
16. gets good grades.
17. collects Nancy Drew books.
18. likes to watch History channel shows with me.
19. still likes to read for fun.
20. asked for a Webkin for Easter.
21. likes hummus, which surprises me.
22. rarely cries (I can count on 1 hand the things she's cried about)
23. doesn't like being an unaccompanied minor.
24. can get tan and I'm jealous.
25. doesn't sing out loud & she should.
26. is a good big sister.
27. isn't interested in sports.
28. has a passport.
29. is kind of a pack rat.
30. isn't very organized.
31. puts a lot of products in her hair everyday.
32. brushes her teeth at a snails pace.
33. carries a ton of crap back & forth to school.
34. always gets re-takes of school pix.
35. can text faster than anyone I know.
36. knows she doesn't like beer...hmmmm...
37. Loves Pepsi.
38. is a fashionista.
39. can still wear clothes from Limited Too.
40. Loves to shop!
41. never really complains.
42. had to be taught how to hand-wash dishes.
43. didn't know who sang Can't Touch This.
44. is going to go to Marian.
45. volunteers twice a month at her church.
46. was raised Catholic & went to St. Bavo.
47. fell off a stationary bike.
48. fell down the stairs last week.
49. was in a published movie of Mickey Gilley.
50. has been on a cruise.
51. once got bangs & it wasn't good.
52. looks fabulous with her hair up.
53. has never plucked her eyebrows.
54. can play Sims, text, watch tv and listen to her iPod all at once.
55. naps regularly.
56. has a HUGE tote of Polly Pockets she is saving for her daughter one day.
57. has the most blankets of anyone I know.
58. still sleeps with blankie & burper.
59. took $100 on Spring Break and gave $75 back.
60. is very frugal with her money.
61. favorite movie is The Wizard of Oz.
62. was once Dorothy for Halloween.
63. has no cavities.
64. is blind as a bat.
65. was once afraid of the water and grass.
66. is obsessed with socks, even mismatched ones.
67. has no endurance for running.
68. makes fun of one of her teachers & it cracks me up.
69. used to faint.
70. can't really ride a bike.
71. loves her some flip flops.
72. is quite the little Cinderella.
73. likes reality tv, especially TLC.
74. can be scared!
75. probably has over 1000 chapsticks & lipgloss.
76. eats as much as her Dad & is still skinny.
77. has 3 younger brothers.
78. has a subscription to National Geographic.
79. saves cards.
80. can't wear low-cut shirts anymore.
81. always wears a cami under everything.
82. once had a gender-confused rabbit.
83. had a cat, Buddy, that she would dress up.
84. made a movie of Buddy on YouTube & made him a MySpace page.
85. just found out she loves Robin Eggs.
86. does NOT eat salads, ever.
87. gets up early for school to dry her hair.
88. is waiting at the window 15 minutes before her ride comes.
89. has all uncles, 5 of them.
90. once said if she became president everything would be free.
91. called Andrew Jackson "Triangle Head"
92. still wears the ring I gave her on her Dad & I's wedding day.
93. read scripture at that wedding.
94. when I gave her cream soda for the 1st time & she called it candy in a can.
95. was born the year Aunt Kenj graduated from high school.
96. was born when I was a freshman in high school.
97. has had toe surgery.
98. wears size 9 rings.
99. sleeps in the top bunk.
100. is one of the best things that's ever happened to me.


  1. I love that Em is a meat and taters girl!! :)
    Would have bet 1 million dollars that she wouldn't like hummus!!!


  2. Did she read this? Very cool!


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