May 21st will go down in the record books at this house!! It was Will's preschool graduation. Daddy took a few hours off work, the grandma's were there and of course, Aint Kenj & Maggie too.
Mrs. Wurz marched the kids in while singing "The Ants Go Marching" and they lined up in front to perform it for us. It took Will a minute to realize we were all there but when he did, MAN, he smiled from ear to ear. They also performed "No More Monkeys Jumping on the Bed" along with motions and it was hilarious.
Then they were led onto the stage, put on their graduation hats and performed a little ditty about each letter of the alphabet (I still say "F is for feather. Tickle, tickle, tickle.") Loved that.
Then everyone was given their diplomas. Each kid had to shake hands with the teachers, hugs were given, then handed their diplomas. When it was Will's turn, Mrs. Wurz said "we love that smile!" Yes, my heart melted.
Then it was audience participation time. We were supposed to sing & dance along with them but I was too busy capturing every moment with my awesome camera. But Memaw took video on her camera and I will try to upload it later when I get it.
Then (I just realized I am starting every "paragraph" with *then*---like this is all one big run-on sentence. My blog so whatev.) we all got ready to watch their video of the year. Will wasn't in it much b/c he started in March and not August but it was still cute and he LOVED it. (we bought a copy and officially watched it about 20 times later that day.) Mommys were sniffing and stuff all through it but I didn't cry til later when I was watching Will watch it AGAIN and listened to the words to the song playing (Let Them Be Little) and almost couldn't stop, realizing that Will won't be little forever. It's sad to think about but then I wonder what kind of man he will be....
Will got presents for graduation including a balloon (that Maggie bawled over when she had to give it up), dollars, pins, orange highliters, little gift bags, etc.... he was in heaven. When it was all over, I was sad. I knew it was like a right-of-passage thing (if that's how you spell it) and we were never to return here (until Memorial Day when Will & his class get to walk in the parade) but he will never be in preschool again :(
After the ceremony I knew that I wanted to spend time, just him & I. I took him to Waka Dog for hotdogs (cuz they're his "fravorite.") before taking him to see Shrek The Final Chapter...or is it Shrek Forever After?...anywho...
He wanted an Icee and candy and $25 later we were all set, sitting in the very back/top row, dead-center when Will spills his M&M's...DANG IT! Then after the Icee, a potty break... Will was so excited to be able to stand up and dance to the songs without having to worry about the people behind him...b/c there weren't any, HELLO! I watched his face more than the movie and got all weepy again but quickly focused back on Donkey and LOLed when he asked Gingy "what you talkin' 'bout cracker?!" :)
When we came out of the movie it was POURING down rain so, to Will, it was AWESOME that we got to run to our car, through the puddles and get soaking wet. YEAH!
We just spent the rest of the afternoon watching above mentioned video 20 times and looking at all his school work & special books he made. It was a good day.
The next morning, Will woke up ready to go to kindergarten and I sadly had to tell him that he had to wait until the end of AUGUST to go to school again. He didn't like that...but give him time. His PapaDodge bought him a big pool and his sister explained Summer Break so I think he might learn to like this... we'll see.
Let Them Be Little got me all sappin AT the graduation....
ReplyDeleteThank you Em for essplaining Summer Break! Woo Hoo:)
awwwwww too much deep stuff here, I could bawl now, thinking of Mister William being in school and Maggie turning 2 already, her being in preschool...agggghhh...can't do this...