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It's My Birthday, I Can Be a Big Baby if I Want To

So...I was a TOTAL brat leading up to my birthday. I spent my birthday eve IMing my sister and friend all sorts of crappy stuff about how nobody loves me, everybody hates me, I think I'll go eat worms. Long, thin, slimy ones. Short, fat, juicy ones. Itsy bitsy fuzzy wuzzy worms. WOAH! Anyway, both of them were trying to make me feel better and saying the nicest things. But my sister did have some very wise words: "Why don't you wait til your actual birthday before you get pissed at your husband for not making it special?!" Good point. But I was totally sad, not just because I thought no one cared about me, but also because I was like mourning my youth or something. I was thinking about the past year and getting cancer (which causes a lifetime of follow-up appointments and multiple check-ups) and how I was just now turning 30 and wondering what else was in store?? Too late for illness, check. Too late for the "surprise" child (14 y.o.), check. Too late for...well, you get my point. I was just sad, OK!? So I went to bed and had me a good cry. (hadn't had one in awhile and it was well overdue) And my poor, sweet, loving, LIAR :o) of a husband has to try to calm down a crazy, crying, aging woman at 1 am. Poor guy.
But...the next morning was better. I awoke to gifts on the table (always a plus) I got an awesome card from my step-daughter...the cd I really wanted from my son and my hubby let ME pick where we were going for breakfast! SCORE!
After stuffing myself with a Farmer's Omlet at Hilltop I came home to the want to take pictures; it was lovely outside (I never say "lovely" and I think it might be the age talkin') Then I HAD to take a eyes were on fire and bloodshot and swolt. I passed on cutting Will's hair until today actually because I was too tired (little did I know EVERYONE would see it later)
So I had some adult pop before heading to the most horrible, awful, mean, nasty, ugly, evil, gross, dirty pizza place ever...Bruno's Pizza on Prairie Ave. in South Bend, IN (had to throw that in because they were rude as hell to everyone especially my sister and that's not a bridge you want to burn) And we were lead upstairs, which I didn't even know they had and saw my sister crying (because BRUNO'S SUCKS!) and she says "oh, she's here."
And I walked into a room of like 50 people, all for me. I cried the ugly-cry when I saw my friend from Michigan sitting there ALL INNOCENT and I tOtAllY FeLt tHe lOvE!! <3
There was family and church family and friends and kids and two people with a restraining order between them even...all in the same room!
So I opened my presents first and drank alcohol :) I got LOTS of dinero for the tattoo I was whining and crying about NOT getting the night before; which I am totally getting tomorrow and will post pictures and the meaning behind then. but anyway...
I laughed A LOT and loved how everyone just sat together, ate pizza together, watched or listened to Notre Dame lose together. And my sister told me about how I owed her and my Boobs an apology which I have made up to him heehee but Kendra...I had to buy her Tim McGraw's new cd yesterday and we're all good now. HELLO He makes everything better.
Some of my favorite parts:

Stacey telling me her favorite memory of us as "the" Barnes n' Noble trip

Ken, Pawpaw Rado and Delbert going ape-shit on Mama Bruno

Mazerick asking when he walked in if the party was for him

the cards from out of towners; especially Pam aka Mama Vineyard

My Nana feeling up my friend and throwing a bread bag of quarters on the table with a "there ya go"

My mom forgetting the matchy matchy cake plates and cussing about it

Kaylynn bossing everyone around, as usual :)

My cousin Rachel running out of the crapper while everyone was singing to me

Maggie eating her first ghost sucker and then injuring herself with it

My cousin Jason telling me how he's not gonna let his parents (remember the restraining order?) push him away from family

On the way home I was telling my little family who I was surprised to see there and my 14 y.o. asked if I was surprised to see her there?! LOL

Oh and living to see the party was nice too!

Thank you and I'm sorry everyone and I love you. And no one said you have to stop being a big baby just because you turn 30!


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