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Where You Go, I Go. What You say, I say, God. What You pray, I pray. What You pray, I pray.

I am totally obsessed with Kim Walker / Jesus Culture's "How He Loves Us" and "Where You Go I Go" worship songs. I've listened to them everyday for the last 4 days...over and over again. I feel God move when I listen to them. I feel filled up with the Lord watching her sing them. She is SO talented. I love her voice. God has tOtAlly blessed her with this amazing real.

In listening to it, I have been made aware that music is a HUGE part of my life and it feeds my soul. I listen to music A LOT at times when I'm happy, sad, mad, bored, or excited. I listen to music when I miss someone, when I love someone, when I spend time with someone. I also love to sInG!! I'm ok--->not great, but ok. I sing in the car, in the shower, to myself in public. I love to get closer to God and learn more about Him through worship music. I love to put it on our stereo, in the morning, rEally lOuD and just belt it out! I dance around and cry, sometimes. Worship is my favorite time at church. We have Refreshment for the Soul the first sunday night of the month and I LOVE it. It's only worship and you have the freedom to dance or move or do wHaTeVeR you need to do to "refresh your soul."

I remember music during important times of my life. I remember the song that I meditated on in the hotel (see previous post) to get me thru that hOrRiBLe night. I remember the song that was playing on the radio when my son was born (Baby Boy by Beyonce'...I swear :) I remember feeling the need to have the perfect song at my wedding (Have You Ever Been in Love by Celine Dion) I remember times with my friend Stacey where she made songs up and sang them to me...a special talent she has. She also "sang" a book to me (I Love You Forever) at Barnes n' Noble once and that's one of our favorite memories together. I remember being eXtReMeLy sad in the Army and my sister sending me a cd of songs. The first song (One More Day by Diamond Rio) made me cry and cry and cry. I was SO homesick. I just sat there and bawled for the rest of the day. I couldn't make it through the whole cd. I remember getting my heart broke by my first love and locking myself in my room for hours and putting a song on repeat (China by Tori Amos). My mom, granny and sister thought I was nutz! I was just so sad and didn't know how else to get through the heartache. I also remember what was playing on the radio at odd times in my life that stand out. I also remember people I dated and "our song" and how important it was then to have "a song." I got most excited over the stupid facebook quiz "what's the song of your life?" and mine was "Circus" by Britney Spears, fitingly. I got really sad when Michael Jackson died; not because he DIED but because he would not be coming out with anymore music for me to selfishly enjoy. My hubby LOVES music too and I think music had something to do with us getting together. Even though we fight about the volume, I still think music is a common thread in our relationship. I remember certain people or situations when I hear songs. Songs can take me right back to a place and time in the past like it was just yesterday.

Maybe I need to see a shrink about my music obsession??


  1. i can see why we get along:)

    those songs that you've been obsessive about lately are the same songs that when we were introduced to them we were listening to numerous times a day for at least 2 weeks too:) if we still had the internet at home we'd still be listening to them. we really need the cd.

    i love that you love music. it really does make a heart happy to hear that special song... no matter the circumstance. i'm feeling ya.

  2. I hear ya, literally, sometimes just busting a especially don't care if it's me and the kids around, that makes me happy that you'll just belt it out as if you were alone:)
    Like Stacey said in one of her blogs, Music is how feelings sound. (that will forever be in my favorite quote memory bank, cuz it's sooooo true)!!!


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