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My Husband

So yesterday my hubby turned 38!! So I'm blogging 100 things about him...

1. he's a godly man
2. he never cusses
3. he likes his coffee black and lukewarm
4. he's a workaholic
5. saltaholic
6. he hates mushrooms, but he's a fun-guy :)
7. he can fix just about anything
8. he will do chores around the house
9. if he's watching tv it's either America's Funniest Videos, My Name is Earl or the History Channel
10. he's actually a really good singer
11. he's not a very good dancer however
12. he's a major motorhead
13. he doesn't like sports except Nascar
14. he has a bad memory
15. he is in great shape
16. he's a great dad
17. he LOVES music
18. the only instrument he can play is the radio
19. he hates the cold and has S.A.D. (seasonal adjustment disorder)
20. he would NEVER break the law
21. he can't stand people who never shut up
22. he puts everyone before himself
23. he can sew
24. he makes a mean burrito and macaroni & cheese
25. he has lots of tattoos and wants more
26. he never snores on his left side
27. he NEVER misses work
28. he's a Marked Man for Christ
29. he loves to do yard work and wash vehicles
30. he's a clean freak
31. he's slightly OCD (checking & re-checking the locks)
32. he stands a lot so he doesn't fall asleep
33. he usually drops every cell phone he has in the toilet
34. he visits his Poppy a lot
35. he chews the blue Dentyne ALL THE TIME
36. he tithes
37. he smokes generic cigarettes
38. he got promoted at work after 2 days
39. he always leaves the medicine cabinet open just a crack
40. he lets his nails grow a lil too long for my liking
41. he has a strict routine every night
42. he never sits around in his pj's, he gets dressed right away in the morning
43. he wouldn't be caught dead in public in his pj's either!
44. he's cheap, I mean, frugal and money conscious
45. he still has the collar from Teesha, a dog he lost about 6 years ago
46. he loves to buy stuff for the vehicles like stereos and rims & tires
47. he's always wanted to learn to play the piano
48. he's always wanted to learn to ballroom dance
49. he always puts the lid down
50. he always rinses the shower and cleans out the drain, every time
51. he would rather eat cookies for breakfast than anything else
52. he LOVES buffets
53. he eats an incredible amount of food at one sitting
54. he dances with Will in the livingroom to really loud music often
55. he never leaves trash in his car
56. he's a reader
57. he only goes to the movies when it "needs to be seen on the big screen" otherwise, rent it
58. he's a homebody
59. he never gets loud or raises his voice to the kids in anger
60. he's not excited for his daughter to date
61. he drinks iced tea all the time
62. he eats the same thing for lunch everyday
63. he sold his Harley because he had carpal tunnel and his hands would fall asleep
64. he's had carpal tunnel surgery on both hands
65. he HATES fixing the plumbing
66. he cleans out the cat's litter box everyday
67. he uses more napkins than the kids
68. he likes to shop for shoes and watches
69. he doesn't really like kids except his own
70. the next tattoo he wants on the palm of his hand
71. he's a good neighbor i.e. blows everyone's snow
72. he can go HOURS without eating
73. he loves roast & potatoes the best
74. he wears sunglasses all the time, even at night
75. he loves 80's music the best
76. he hates when I pick on him
77. he spoons his cat Max in bed everynight
78. he's not a fan of people touching his butt or his face
79. he's going bald on top and turning grey & I dig it
80. he once ripped his toenail off while jumping over a fence, trying to impress me
81. he left early to go speed-dating the day he first met me
82. he used to bag groceries
83. he doesn't smile that much, but not because he's unhappy
84. he looks HOT in a pair of Levi 505's
85. he wears his cowboy boots so much, he had to have them re-soled
86. he still had clothes from high school when we met (not anymore, thank you)
87. he wore a red shirt for school pictures one year...but it looks pink
88. he misses his Z71 & Toyota Cressida
89. he is moving into the technological uploading and whatnot
90. he has pictures of when his mom dressed him up as a girl and he hates them
91. he has the most beautiful brown eyes I've ever seen, but he doesn't think so
92. he usually has a bandage somewhere :)
93. he NEVER gets sick
94. he has an iron stomach, except for eating oysters one year on our anniversary...not a good time
95. he eats all left-overs COLD
96. he does not like backseat drivers
97. he takes walks
98. he has read the bible cover to cover & still reads it everyday
99. he breaks more tools than anyone I've ever known
100. he's the most loyal husband ever


  1. i didn't peg Brian as a ballroom dancing learner er:)

  2. love the pictures.... especially the one of both of you.


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