I started my hell-thy eating yesterday and let me tell you---> I gagged at every meal. I want to make this lifestyle change and I wanted to start B4 the New Year (for reasons I'm not sure of) but yesterday was Day 1 and not good. I started the day with eggs and sausage. You'd think that wouldn't be so bad but the eggs were really "egg-y" tasting and I even checked the expiration date on them and they weren't even close to bad so huh?? I poured the hot sauce on and swallowed without chewing.
Then for lunch I am having salads (this time was lettuce & spinach with black olives,Western dressing) and I baked up some grilled lemon pepper fish and I couldn't take a second bite, I was gagging so bad! It was awful. Checked the date. It was fine. Tasted very "fishy" and the texture was blech. So I'm starting to think I might be turning the corner again into vegetarian-land. Beef-grosses me out to just cook, let alone eat. Pork-it's ok, I guess. Fish-makes me gag. Chicken-is the only thing I can stomach right now...but if I thought hard enough about the raising of poultry, I couldn't eat it either. So I'm thinking of returning the entire package of salmon I bought for...beans...
Then for dinner I made chicken chow mein out of a can, which I've never had and never will again. It was SO nasty. The feeling of the sprouts in my mouth made me gag and the chicken & gravy looked like wet cat food. I ended up eating plain white rice with some butter and a watermelon candy cane. I guess I'm gonna have to think harder about buying things I like and that taste good too because I weigh as much now as I did when I was 9 MONTHS PREGNANT!! I have to do something...just look at those fat rolls.
become one with the fatrolls....or not. :)