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Never Again

So I agreed, again, to have a stupid home party. Stupid, stupid me. This party was for Silpada jewelry and their stuff ROCKS however: kinda pricey...hence having the party to earn free stuff. The last time I had one was about 3 years ago or so. It was so successful that I actually had to pick out even MORE stuff when it came time to write out the free stuff I earned. This time: notta-so-mush! It was doomed from the beginning really.
The week leading up to the party consisted of my husband having the flu and me having a pap smear (i love that...smear). Anywho, I almost strangled my husband and then almost bled to death at the gyno. The best part of the whole week was my new bestie Melissa coming to take care of me all the next day BUT the last thing she said to me before she left was "I'm gonna punch you in the uterus." Good times.
So as of right now I don't have enough orders to get anything for free so this sucks. I put a lot of time and effort into the emails and e-vites and phone calls and texts and it just didn't pay off this time. Never again. I might earn $25 in free jewelry later tonight but let's not hold our breath...the earrings I want are $39 and I just barely paid the mortgage today and can't afford to pay the difference. And food?! Who needs food?!
Oh and I was attacked and possessed by Satan this week too...but I'm not gonna go there. I'm alright now but just sayin'. So that was my week. How was yours?


  1. I really understand, I do NOT like home parties, no one has time...

    SMEAR, good word Jeenj.

    God Bless Melissa!!!!! :) What a good friend.

    and yes, it's gotta be satan, what else could THIS be? :( ugh...


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