Christmas just isn't the same anymore. I am like in mourning over Christmas' past. I loved going to Granny's with all those people and it just being NUTS! There was like over 50 people staying there or something crazy like that. Granny only had 4 spare bedrooms and a finished basement but it always worked out. I loved that every year we went to the movies late on Christmas Day. I want that tradition to continue: this year I want to see Nine. Also, I'd like to NOT be sick on Christmas Eve and Day. Doctor switched my meds yesterday and I feel like crap. Everything sounds like its underwater. My Kenny G Christmas music just isn't gonna sound the same. Since we already celebrated with the in-laws, my family is going to our church Christmas Eve celebration and donut give-away for the first time ever in the 6 years Vineyard has been our home. I get to take pictures for the photography team and wear a mask...Oh yeah, so sick and no immunity that I have to wear a mask in public at all times thru the winter. Good times. Wonder if the people we are giving donuts too will think twice before eating them, wondering if I contaminated them. Anywho, cancer seems to be the gift that keeps on giving! AND I CAN'T WAIT FOR CHRISTMAS MORNING!! AND SEEING THE KIDS OPEN THEIR PRESENTS!! I'm just focus on that for now...
So I went to the dentist AGAIN today and read a magazine in the waiting room. There was an article about a couple who had grown apart over the years and didn't know how it happened. The woman was repeatedly telling her husband that she felt unimportant . She explained how she never did anything for herself and hadn't done some things that she enjoyed doing since before her and her husband were married. She asked her kids what mommy did the most and they said, "the laundry." (not exactly a legacy!) Then the woman went on to explain how she blamed her husband for her unhappiness. The expert gave a detailed response, but the one thing she said that really stood out to me was how the woman was unhappy because the woman was unhappy ... it really didn't have anything to do with him. She no longer did the things she had liked to do. What did she expect?! When her and her husband were dating she was spontaneous and exciting and the two of them explored things together. No...
I miss it was so packed with we have to make our own LAME memories with our LAME kids :)