Yesterday I was going to blog about my life-altering PERIOD that I received (only having one a year brings on quite the FLOW) LOL! But I will spare you all the details.
Instead...yesterday I spent the day running errands with my kids and some things happened that got me thinking and laughing, at the same time.
We were in need of royal blue attire for Emily, who is trying out for cheerleading next week. Do you KNOW how hard it is to find royal blue stuff for cheerleading that won't have her ass or boobs hanging out like some little hussy -AND- it's cute and doesn't scream "I'M FROM THE BOY'S DEPARTMENT!" ???? Well, let me tell you: it was hard. But not impossible and we did come away with some cuteness. (I think Em should make the team just on her looks, but who am I to say?!) Then I had to get Will new flip flops b/c his gunboats are ginormica & he was walking around in last years model complete with his heels hanging off the back (mother of the year, I know, I know.)
While perusing all the visual mayhem of stores I noticed something... Will is drawn to girlie things. He likes the pretty dresses and usually mentions how we should get them for his cousin, Maggie. But sometimes... he wants them for himself. My usual response is "that's for girls" or "are you a man or a mouse" but should I be worried?? I think not. Girls clothes are better, prettier and more flashy than boy's so why wouldn't he be drawn to them?!
EXCEPT... when I paint my nails, he wants his toes done too (which I did paint black once and Boobs WAS NOT happy about it). He wants lotion massaged into his legs, often. I wants my pink razor phone over his Dad's manly tough one. He doesn't want a new Nintendo DS b/c his sister's pink one is great. The other day, when he was playing on the computer, I heard some very "girlie" music playing and witnessed my son blowdrying Barbie's hair.
BUT THEN... Will loves everything with wheels on it and wants to destroy everything. He likes to dig in the dirt and rough house. His favorite color is orange, NOT PINK. He doesn't want to grow his hair out, even just a little, b/c "that's for girls." He's starting to say "that's for girls" a lot. He likes to play Driver 3 and shoot everyone and crash cars. He likes to do everything that Daddy does. He has girlfriends, and more than one at a time :) All his bff's are boys. He doesn't really like stuffed animals.
So Will's not entirely "all boy" and he does get an awful lot of feminine influence in his life; but, still, he's my boy and whether he grows up to wear "Real Men Wear Pink" shirts or is always decked out in camo... I'll love him no matter what. Maybe he'll just turn out to be one incredible designer and I can get free clothes & free home makeovers & crap from my fashion-fabulous son...who knows?! The possibilities are endless...
Blog looks good! :) Good luck to Em!