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Oldies Birthday Party

So yesterday the family went to a friend's 60th surprise birthday party...yeah I thought "not good to scare the crap out of an oldie"...but he survived. Anywho, my son was the LIFE OF THE PARTY! He is so much fun to watch and I sat there thinking about how boring life would be without him. I would of just had to sit there and either talk to my husband (haha), watch the Notre Dame game (boo) or watch everybody getting drunk (annoying) I probably don't have to say this but, watching my son was much more entertaining and interesting.
He started out showing and telling everyone, and I mean EVERYONE, his "new" phone and how he can text and taking their pictures (all pretend, of phone until he's 5 :). He just started making the rounds, talking to everyone about the phone, about his "girlfriend" Amanda who's 13, and how he has duck game and Playstation at home while inviting everyone over, which Brian was pleased with I'm sure, since he honestly doesn't really like company LOL. Then Will found ANOTHER girlfriend there...Jennifer, who is very pretty and had a lowcut shirt on with semi-big boobs who is over 30. AND, HE GRABBED THEM! I couldn't believe it actually but I'm not sure he has quite the same obssession as his Daddy, YET. But still. He kept yelling for her and telling her to call him on his new phone. What a lil' pimp daddy!
He tried playing with the little girls that were there but they were either too boring (painting rocks), too mean (I was ready to pounce on them at one point until my mom reminded me that they were only 7) or too flat-chested for his liking :) Then the doctor's boys showed up and one of them was also 4 and LOVED to explore and they hit it off. They were chatting eachother up, fighting and tug-a-warring over toys and destroying the house. Although, the biggest destroyer of all was me. When I was screwing around with Will on the coffee table I put a HUGE scratch right in the middle of it with my wedding rings. This table was the hostess' mother's who passed away recently and this hostess was kinda drunk at this point and I was afraid she was gonna kick my rear-end. (She didnt.) And then also, while on my destructive path, while playing "airplane" with my son I totally JACKED up my neck. Now see, I wouldn't be shocked if I were you because: I'm hurt or sick ALL THE TIME. But the part that I thought/think sucks is I have my last appointment (refer to last post) tomorrow and I'm not quite sure how well I'm gonna be able to get that filling without crying or strangling somebody...and I need to be good because my daughter wants me to get a toy for her out of the toy box and you gotta "be a good girl" to get one. I don't think stabbing the dentist with his instruments counts as "being a good girl." Maybe I'll just get all doped up on pain killers before I go...
So I was also amazed at this party by how much energy my son has! I mean where did all mine go, seriously. I used to ride my bike from after school on friday to bedtime sunday and I was never sore or falling asleep in a chair. I played 3 sports all through high school and went out late a lot and I remember thinking "I dont wanna get up" in the morning not "I wanna die" in the morning. My body is zapped of all signs of life by 9 pm. It's ridiculous. My son begs not to have to nap or go to bed and I'm practically begging my husband to give me a time out! I wonder how long my boy would/could go without stopping if we let him. We're the only ones in his way :)
I wonder if he would stop and eat. I literally had to threaten him with taking that damn phone away to get him to eat ONE hotdog...yet, he tore up the candy corn. Hmmm...
Anywho, my hubby and I were like "OMG it's after 9!" like some major sin had been committed. "WE HAD TO GO!" I'm still not sure what our biological clocks were alarming us about but it happens around 9 every night. While the kids are cool to go home and continue playing or start a movie, we start to shut down. We get all crabby and start snappin'. Its like the sound of doom is quietly being pounded out in the backround of the car on the drive home...duh duh duh. We get home, force the kids into bed by again, threats, and my hubby turns back into a frog and I, a pumpkin; all before 10 pm.


  1. I am a pumpkin all day every day, look at this bod! Ha
    Funny blog! and I have one argument Mrs, Maggie was the life of the party for me;)


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